Monday, October 6, 2014

I was watching Elijah the other Sunday in nursery and I noticed something that I just had to blog about. . . . . how much our relationship with our children is like God's relationship with us.

I sat there on that Sunday morning just watching him, and let me make you well aware he is into everything now days.  He loves to explore and see new things and try to climb, walk, jump, roll on anything.  He has NO FEAR!  This is such a fun age with him wanting and having the desire to learn so much so fast.  As I sat there watching him completely smitten might I add by how simply precious he is, I watched as he toddled along the bookshelf that holds all of our toys in the nursery.  I felt so much love for him and wanted to treasure the few moments we had in the quiet simpleness of just me and him playing in the church nursery.  I also noticed how much I had the desire for him to learn to walk and figure out all of the potential he had.  He truly has no idea right now what all he can actually accomplish.  I also noticed as he swayed and stumbled and even fell a few times that I just cringed every single time.  When he gets hurt I cry with him, it hurts me just as much as it hurts him.  But I continue to help him up sweep off the dirt, kiss the boo-boos and encourage him to try again, knowing he will fall again and again before he finally gets it mastered.  Just as well, when he would take a step or two by himself I would celebrate with him while he clapped his little hands.

Don't you think that God feels this EXACT same way for us??  He looks at us with such love and sees such unused or unreached potential for what we could do with our lives.  He loves the alone time that we share with him in those quiet still moments that we call out His name.  He sees us start to learn and try new things knowing good and well that we might get hurt during this learning process.  He watches with excitement as we take a step or two alone and then cringes when he sees us heading down.  He then rushes over as we are crying because we are hurt, depressed, or alone and wipes our tears, brushes off the dirt from our knees, and encourages us to get back up and try again, knowing good and well we probably will fall over and over before we finally get it right.  But he admires our stubborness and willingness to try again.  And as we begin to finally get it right he celebrates with us in our victories however big or small they may be!

I just couldn't help but think about how much my heart swelled with love as I looked at him and to think that is exactly how my Heavenly Father looks at you and me and no matter how many times I fall and don't get it right He still adores me and is always there running towards me to rub off my knees, wipe my tears, and say "let's give it one more try".  God is so amazing and His love for us is boundless.

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